useColorsuseFontSizesuseSettingsGetting startedBasic exampleUse casesDetails


The useSettings hook provides an interface for consuming and modifying block editor settings.

Getting started

  1. Import the hook.
import {useSettings} from '@tinypixelco/wp-react-hooks'
  1. Call the hook in the top-level of your component.
const [settings, setSettings] = useSettings()

The hook returns an array with the settings object and a function to modify the settings object.

Basic example

import {useSettings} from '@tinypixelco/wp-react-hooks'
import {useEffect} from '@wordpress/element'
const component = () => {
const [settings, setSettings] = useSettings()
return (
{settings && JSON.stringify(settings)}

Use cases

Modify the post title placeholder

useEffect(() => {
titlePlaceholder: `Let's get started`,
}, [])

Dynamically add a new font size.

const dynamicFontSize = {
name: 'Dynamic',
shortName: 'd',
size: 69,
slug: 'dynamic',
useEffect(() => {
fontSizes: [
}, [])

Disable custom style settings

useEffect(() => {
disableCustomColors: true,
disableCustomFontSizes: true,
disableCustomGradients: true,
}, [])


This hook utilizes store/useBlockEditorStore.

Relevant WordPress documentation:

The settings object

It's a big object. There is a bit of editorializing going on with the ordering here (most useful seeming stuff at the top).

const settings = {
alignWide: true,
allowedBlockTypes: true,
titlePlaceholder: "Add title",
bodyPlaceholder: "Start writing or type / to choose a block",
colors: [
{ name: null, slug: "primary", color: "#0073a8" },
// ...
gradients: [
name: "Vivid cyan blue to vivid purple",
gradient: "linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(6,147,227,1) 0%,rgb(155,81,224) 100%)",
slug: "vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple"
// ...
fontSizes: [
{ name: "Small", shortName: "S", size: 19.5, slug: "small" },
// ...
imageSizes: [
{ slug: "thumbnail", name: "Thumbnail" },
// ...
imageDimensions: {
thumbnail: { width: 150, height: 150, crop: true },
// ...
styles: [
css: ":root{--wp-admin-theme-color:#007cba; ..."
// ...
allowedMimeTypes: null,
disableCustomColors: false,
disableCustomFontSizes: false,
disableCustomGradients: false,
focusMode: false,
hasFixedToolbar: false,
isRTL: false,
maxWidth: 580,
maxUploadFileSize: 0,
availableLegacyWidgets: {
WP_Widget_Pages: {
name: "Pages",
description: "A list of your site’s Pages.",
isReferenceWidget: false,
isHidden: true
// ...
hasPermissionsToManageWidgets: true,
'__experimentalBlockPatterns': [
title: "Two Columns of Text",
categories: ["columns", text"],
content: "<!-- wp:columns -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-columns\"> ...",
name: "core/text-two-columns"
// ..
'__experimentalBlockPatternCategories': [
{ name: "text", label: "Text" },
// ...
'__experimentalCanUserUseUnfilteredHTML': true,
'__experimentalEnableLegacyWidgetBlock': false,
'__experimentalBlockDirectory': false,
'__experimentalEnableFullSiteEditing': false,
'__experimentalEnableFullSiteEditingDemo': false,
'__mobileEnablePageTemplates': false,
'__experimentalDisableCustomUnits': false,
'__experimentalDisableCustomLineHeight': false,
'__experimentalEnableCustomSpacing': false,
'__experimentalEnableLinkColor': false,
'__experimentalFeatures': { typography: { dropCap: false } },
'__experimentalPreferredStyleVariations': { value: {} },
'__experimentalReusableBlocks': []